While attending one of Fazal's on stage performances, Film director Rajkumar Hirani noted that Ali was a strong candidate for an upcoming role in the Bollywood super-hit 3 Idiots. The film has been well noted for its critical and box office acclaim making Fazal's appearance alongside superstars Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor a major break in his career. He also performs plays at the Prithvi Theatre in Juhu.
In the film, Three Idiots, Fazal plays Engineering student "Joy" ( the character's death marks a catalyst of change in the film),and the appearance in the song Give Me Some Sunshine Swooned the audiences. As such, Fazal gained notoriety from the role in the film (now seen as an "all-time Blockbuster hit). Soon after Fazal was picked up by Indian superstar, Shahrukh Khan's production-house Red Chillies Entertainment for the star role in their recent film Always Kabhi Kabhi. Fazal appeared opposite female lead Giselli Monteiro in the film. Shahrukh Khan strongly believed in the project, making several media appearances on its behalf and even taking a small cameo appearance on screen. Although expected to be one of the biggest hits of the month in India, it unfortunately did not perform well. Fortunately for the young actor, Fazal received a large amount of positive feedback from critics and viewers. Now Fazal has been regarded as "the next big thing to watch out for" with critics writing that his performance in Always Kabhi Kabhi was "showstop[ing], and a super performance."
In 2013 Fazal got a taste of success, when his next film Fukrey became a surprise hit of the year. After which Fazal started getting big projects like Bobby Jasoos opposite Vidya Balan & Murder 4 . He also raised many eyebrows when clinched a role in Hollywood action flik Fast & Furious 7.
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